Area | Group fields together in an Area |
Base | Base class is the parent class for all ValidForm objects |
Button | Button Class |
Checkbox | Create checkboxes (boolean fields) |
ClassDynamic | ClassDynamic Class |
Collection | Create an iterable collection |
Comparison | Comparison class |
Condition | Condition class |
Element | Element Class |
Fieldset | Fieldset Class |
FieldValidator | FieldValidator Class |
File | Create a file upload field |
Group | Create a group of radio buttons or checkboxes |
GroupField | Adds a Checkbox or Radio button to Group element |
Hidden | Hidden Class |
MultiField | Create a Multifield element |
Navigation | Navigation Class |
Note | Note Class |
Page | Page Class |
Paragraph | Paragraph Class |
Password | Password Class |
Select | Create a select element |
SelectGroup | Adds a SelectGroup (<optgroup>) to Select object |
SelectOption | Adds a SelectOption (<option>) to Select object |
StaticText | Injects a string in the form. |
Text | Text Class is the most used. |
Textarea | Create textarea html elements |
Validator | Validator Class |
ValidForm | ValidForm Builder main class - all the magic starts here. |
ValidWizard | ValidWizard class - Create multiple pages with formfields and next - previous buttons |